Week 5: The beauty of Black and white

Discussion artist- your art work,
Thing a day- 28 days up and coming....what does it mean to you?
Channels, level, burn, Smudge, burn dodge, Classic Photographic Tools, and content aware tool

Homework Due March 4

1. Watch These Videos and do this


History of Photo

9 quick tips for black and white

Content aware fill Photoshop   (just watch)

 Ruth's video    do along with ruth and save as Tut5-a.jpg

 here is the image.... to work with


2.do these tutorials

Element 1: Tutorials


2.Curves watch the tutorial and do a photo of your own. Save both before and after.
tutorial5b-before.jpg, tutorial5ba-after.jpg
tutorial3a1-before / tutorial3a2-after

3. making a color image black and white save image as final3.jpg. It this tutorial use a photo of your own
call this Tutorial5c

4 . a different solution. watch and try this video
call this Tutorialfd

And then do your final.....

Element 2: Ansel Adams
Element 3: Landscape
Element 4: I had a dream

Call this Final 5


HuH? but Your final piece will be black and white with maybe slight color.

Look up a WPA photographer

Find an artwork by them that you like or dislike. What was thier mssion? What art movement
was they part of? What was there artistic philosophy? Find and artwork of therethat you love or hate
bring it to class a digital or hard copy and be prepared to discuss.


do all 4 tutorials -save on google drive as jpgs

Final Piece
Go out and Photograph,do a piece of work of your own based on the tutorial and elements This is in black and white.put it in in google folder called final3 as a 1500 Px wide ( and however tall) jpg.

This is put in the google drive final5