Surrealist Car Magnet

Show and tell:

show your redue Haiku- are they better?

show your flyers. why do they work? why not? re-due

in class: re-due bad flyer &
Car Magnet ad
job 1: 4 Thumbnails

1) setting up size to print in indesign

2) what is a thumbnail? a thumbnail of an ad for this class is usually done in pencil, to the actual size of the ad. It should be visible from a distance, and have lines where the type, and a sketch of you image. It is a visual way for you as the designer to work out ideas without fully completing them-

Examples of thumbnails



Homework for Sept 19

1.Come into Class prepared to start working on your ad. What fonts will you be using? Where are your copyright free images? How are you putting them together? Have a plan.

These are black and white.

2. Bring in your Thumbnails. You should be able to read them from a distance

we will be putting them up on the board and the class will decide which one you should pursue.


Surrealist Car Magnet

You have been asked to do An ad for a new company called Surrealist
Car magnets You can pick the *Surrealist Artist* ( please do not just take the first name on the list. Think! Explore!

(These are artists from the Surrealist Art time period)
Make the magnets the flavor of the artist, not the artist's work itself.

Your text is:

Surrealist Car Magnets
price 3 for $50.00

also a interesting slogan

ad is: black and white 6" X 6"

IN CLASS Sept 19

show and tell Thumbnails

In Class

work on ad

Homework for Sep 24

Finish ad, be prepare to show