How Am I Grading Your Work?

30% Tutorial/ Tutorial Pieces
30% Thing a day (28)
30% final theme  pieces (10)
5% tutorial lectures
5% Critiquing/ attitude/ participation( the difference between an A and an A-)


There will be approximately 14 tutorial pieces. Each Tutorial piece is in two parts-
1) doing the tutorials
2) doing your work based on the tutorials.
3) getting work in on time.
Your work is more important than the tutorials (20% tutorials - 80% personal work based on tutorials )

Grades are given based on look, time spent on the project, technical ability, work being on time and attitude.

Look is defined as the amount of beauty,
creativity and intelligence  that you bring to a project.

All final work will be considered done when in the
file on the goggle drive -in Arts 260-photoshop>your name>propernaming conventions

A:  Incredible use of tools and then some, exceptional artwork, perceptive during class.
B:  Showed up to all classes, did the work used the tools, participated in class.
C:  Showed up, homework was late or not there, did not participate in class.


Thing a Day: (28)

Thing a day is 28 days long. You are expected to post something everyday. This work should take approximately ½ a hour- or longer-. You are graded on posting. This assignment is about making yourself be creative every day. It is a sketchpads-

A 27 days posting. ( this allows you one oops day)
A- 26 Days Posting  
B+ 25 Days Posting
B 24 Days Posting
B- 23 Days Posting
C+ 22 Days Posting
C 21 Days Posting
C- 20 Days Posting
D+ 19 Days Posting
D 16 Days Posting
F + 15 days or less of Posting.

Your Portfolio of Work (10)

These work show me what you as an artist want to do . They are theme based. This work should take approximately 40 hours- so you can negotiate the number of work that you have to do based on the time each work takes. Each work should use Photoshop but may also use any other program that you have learned as a apart of the piece but... this is primarily about Photoshop. These will be due at exam.But will be critiqued weekely during the second half of the semester.

All final work will be considered done when in the
file on the Google Drive-in Arts 260-photoshop>your name> final project


Your Tutorial

Each of you knows something that we don't know. This is your chance to share it! Put together a packet of tutorials- Yours or ones on line- Find an artist that inspires you- and the other two elements.. and do a show and tell in class. You will also lead the critique.

Critiquing/ attitude/ participation

You know it- I know it- you can't fool me.



ruth west 2017